
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Paid Holidays - your right under Japanese labor law

Nova lost a short battle with the union over paid leave: it refused to give a teacher who was owed leave a day off when requested.  This is illegal, but eikaiwa schools depend on foreign employees not knowing their rights.

For more:

1 comment:

  1. 5 使用者は、前各項の規定による有給休暇を労働者の請求する時季に与えなければならない。ただし、請求された時季に有給休暇を与えることが事業の正常な運営を妨げる場合においては、他の時季にこれを与えることができる。
    (5) Employers shall grant annual paid leave under the provisions of each preceding paragraph for the particular period requested by the Worker; provided, however, that when the granting of leave for a requested period would interfere with the normal operation of the Business, the Employer may provide leave for a different period instead.


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