
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Big roundup today:  First if anything reinforces the rot in eikaiwa it's the general condition of employment in Japanese companies as a whole. Even the Labor Ministry has slipped in exploitative, illegal contracts for Labor Standards Office staff - the very people whose job it is to police such things in the private sector.  More here:

And more Shenanigans from Nova. Now they're slipping illegal clauses into their already dubious 'subcontractor' contracts. Not only are they strong-arming staff on employee status into signing away their rights on renewal, they're also adding the demand that 'subcontractors' do not work elsewhere or moonlight in their own time. Sorry, Nova, if they're 'not employees', then you don't get a say!

And Kinder Kids, another Peppy-style teaching sweatshop has been slipping illegal clauses into its contracts too. In this case trying to gain power to dismiss staff immediately without notice - against the law in Japan.

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